学校法人 玉川学園 Puente 2011.06 vol.01

国際教育❷つながる記憶、そして夢が動き出すSpecial2My Goal for the Future ~Make use of my experiences~Yuito IshikawaIBクラス10年生 石いし川かわ裕ゆ伊い登とさん 僕のIBクラスでの最終的な目標は、DPを取得して海外の大学で海洋生物について学ぶことです。今までIBクラスや海外研修で経験したことは、将来海外の大学で学ぶ際に生かせると思います。 なかでも昨年5月に参加したラウンドスクエアジュニア国際会議では、世界中の同世代の人たちと交流を深める楽しさを感じたのと同時に、自分の英語力をさらに向上させなければならないと思いました。また、自分や日本について説明でき、相手を理解する能力を養うことが、たくさんの人とコミュニケーションを取るために必要だと実感しました。ちょうどそのとき、国際会議の開催校で12年生がDP試験を受けていたのを知って、IBスクールとしての玉川学園と世界とのつながりを感じました。My goal is to pass the DP exams and study “marine biology” at a university abroad. I can use my experiences in the IB class and overseas youth development programs to study at a university abroad to help better establish my future. I have participated in many overseas youth development programs so far. During the Round Square Junior Conference last May in Canada, I had many exchanges with students of the same age from around the world at the conference. At first, I need to improve my English skills to enjoy more communication with other people in the world. I think the skills that I require are the ability to explain myself and Japan, and the ability to understand others and their countries. After the conference I am still in contact with my room mate Justin from the dormitory. At the conference, I made many friends and communicated with them a lot. The conference was held at Rothesay Netherwood School. This school is an IB school so when I went to the conference, 12th graders were taking DP exams. Thus, I could know about DP exams more and the atmosphere of DP exams, and have an image of taking DP exams when I will be in grade 12.10vol.01


