玉川学園 幼小中高


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Thanks to our MYP Programme, Service@Tamagawa, there are many relationships already built in our larger community with opportunity for service.

Below is a list of some of the most popular Service activities our Tamagawa students have participated with in the last few years.

Beach Clean Japan
(Tamagawa has links to this service)
Volunteer to help play with orphans at local orphanage
Lutheran World Service – Australia
(Tamagawa has links to this service)
Teach singing/piano/guitar as a lunchtime or after school club
Machida Volunteer Centre
(Tamagawa has links to this service)
Campaign the local government on an issue you feel strongly about.
Plan Japan
(Tamagawa has links to this service)
Serve as a translator for school activities as and when needed.
Second Harvest
(Tamagawa has links to this service)
Help a lower school club set up a website.
Unicef House
(Tamagawa has links to this service)
Design and perform a creative skit about healthy eating habits for lower school.
Camps International
(Tamagawa has links to this service)
Research healthy eating options and change Hungry Hideout food offerings.
Start a Model UN team Design a poster campaign for healthy eating



IBDP(Diploma Programme)
