玉川大学 研究所


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Advanced Intelligence & Robotics Research Center (AIBot).

Tetsunari Inamura
Center Chief

All technologies are derived from the imaginations, dreams, and hope of humankind. Robots, the idea initially in the fiction, now support our efficient industrial production and development of our actual society. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, people have continuously discussed the problems with "artificial intelligence." The intelligence produced by humans, not by nature, would surpass our intellectual limitations, reversing the relationship between people and technology. No wonder one has vague anxiety, expecting a society with technology beyond human intelligence. We believe that a future society filled with AI and robots should be one where people live and work with "technology." In that society, everyone should never be ignored and understand diverse values. To realize the society creating various and socially harmonized values, AIBot research center promotes research mainly on AI, cognitive sciences, and robot technology, supporting that people develop human-central social intelligence. We drive to realize a society where people live and work with "technology." For a society where humans are viable and happy, we think about what "technology" could contribute to and hope that the realization of a society that harmonizes humans and "technology."

Robotics Research Division

We hope for a realization of human-machine collaboration where humans and machines collaborate to accomplish daily tasks based on communication with an understanding of meaning. A key approach is "Symbol Emergence in Robotics," which deals with understanding the meaning in the real world. To that end, we aim to establish the basic technology of Symbol Emergence in Robotics with communication and big-data utilization.

Brain Inspired AI Research Division

In traditional cognitive science and artificial intelligence fields, symbol manipulation, such as programming languages, has been regarded as the expression of intelligence. Therefore, the limits of the expression have often been pointed out. A perceptual symbolic system would be a fully functional system capable of conceptualizing information obtained from the complex and disturbing real world. We will conduct interdisciplinary research toward realizing such a system.

AI Business Development Division

We aim to create businesses related to AI and robotics. For the digital transformation (DX) of business by AI and robotics, we will study the application of technologies that transform existing supply chains and value chain and clarify how AI and robotics can be used in real society.

Mathematical science /data science / AI Education Division

The "Tamagawa University Mathematical Sciences / Data Science / AI Education Program" was certified by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as the "Mathematical Sciences / Data Science / AI Education Program (literacy level)" on August 4, 2021. We will promote to "cultivate students' ability of mathematics, data science, and AI regardless of their academic background," building an educational system for AI literacy unique to Tamagawa University.
