玉川学園 幼小中高


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MYP at Tamagawa Academy

Welcome to the Middle Years Programme (MYP) at Tamagawa Academy! I am proud to introduce a programme that is central to the formative years of education. The goal of the MYP is to prepare students from Grade 6 to Grade 10 for the challenges of the Diploma Programme (DP) and beyond. Tamagawa Academy embraces the core values of the International Baccalaureate (IB) and also the foundational tenets of Tamagawa Academy. By combining the IB Learner Profile and the ideals of “Zenjin”, students become well-rounded learners who are locally and globally aware. Tamagawa Academy believes in traditions such as the sports festival and music festival while also embracing a 21st century education that will prepare students for the rigors of our ever-evolving society.

By the time students complete Grade 10 of the MYP, the goal is to have the underlying academic skills and study habits needed to work both in groups and individually. Students will foster critical thinking and research skills that will allow them to complete reports required at the DP level. They will learn to find information on their own instead of relying on teachers as the main source of information. As inquirers, they will be able to not only ask ask the questions, but also find the answers.

Bronson Chau, MYP Coordinator.



IBDP(Diploma Programme)
