玉川学園 幼小中高


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ATL Skills (Twenty-first century skills)

Approaches to Learning skills allow students to “learn how to learn”. The core ATL Skills are Communication, Social, Self-management, Research, and Thinking, all of which will be heavily used in a twenty-first century workplace. According to “The Future of Jobs Report 2020”, some of top skills required for future jobs require critical thinking, technology use, reasoning and problem-solving, leadership, and creativity. The skills align well with ATL Skills that are continually taught and reinforced throughout the MYP and DP continuum.

As an example of building ATL Skills, we have implemented a series of workshops called “MYP Bootcamp” where students learned a variety of skills to prepare them for the new school year. Some of the workshops included: Organizing Google Drive and using Google Apps, Research skills and finding information, Mindfulness and Meditation, and Digital Citizenship.

“The Future of Jobs Report 2020.” World Economic Forum, 20 Oct. 2020, www.weforum.org/reports/the-future-of-jobs-report-2020/in-full/infographics-e4e69e4de7#infographics-e4e69e4de7. Accessed 2 Jan. 2023.



IBDP(Diploma Programme)
