玉川学園 幼小中高


玉川大学・玉川学園webサイトTOPページリニューアルに伴い、Microsoft 社の Internet Explorer(以下、IE)のサポートを終了いたしました。本学園が運営するサイトをIEで閲覧した場合正しく表示されない恐れがございます。

Exchange Students at Tamagawa

MYP students who want to experience school life overseas will have a chance to participate in the exchange program. Ths participating schools will be either the Round Square schools or IB (MYP or DP) schools. They both have a well-recognized quality of education and students will experience homestay or live in a dormitory. The duration will be between 4 to 8 weeks. Although tuition at the school will not be charged because it is an exchange based program; airfare, personal expenses and travel insurance are to be covered by the participants. Currently, we send students to Canada, Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, and South Africa. Students usually go between April to early December in Grade 10.



IBDP(Diploma Programme)
