玉川学園 幼小中高


玉川大学・玉川学園webサイトTOPページリニューアルに伴い、Microsoft 社の Internet Explorer(以下、IE)のサポートを終了いたしました。本学園が運営するサイトをIEで閲覧した場合正しく表示されない恐れがございます。

MYP Model

Tamagawa Academy is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School that delivers the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) in Grades 6 to Grade 10. The MYP is an academic framework that allows students to think critically and reflectively. Students will not just learn but learn HOW to learn. We are aware of the growing technological trends in the world and it is important that students are able to keep up with the fast pace of the world. Students will be using their laptop devices which will allow teachers to integrate innovation into the teaching and learning process.

Tamagawa Academy is committed to the ideals of service in order to build well-rounded learners. With that in mind, students engage in service initiatives that benefit the local community and beyond.

Beyond the classroom, students are able to select their own elective courses of their liking in “Jiyukenkyu”, participate in after-school clubs, join the student body, and engage in service activities.



IBDP(Diploma Programme)
