玉川学園 幼小中高


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Service Learning

As a subset of action, service has always been a shared value of the IB community. IB learners strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a personal commitment to service and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and the environment. IB World Schools value service with others as an important way to engage in moral action across overlapping local and global communities. Through responsible action, tightly connected with sustained inquiry and critical reflection, young people and adults can develop the attributes described by the learner profile essential for success in future academic pursuits and adult life.

An essential part of the growth process in becoming a mature, responsible adult is becoming aware of community issues and working with others to address them. Service at Tamagawa is an opportunity for students to get involved with issues that they are interested in and is also a chance to support the local and global community.

When students use their moral values to think of, create and experience a Service at Tamagawa activity they are participating in Rosaku education. Through service, students are also attaining self-study and self-autonomy ideologies. Some activities such as beach cleaning and tree planting are also strongly linked to the Respect for Nature part of Zenjin.



IBDP(Diploma Programme)
