玉川学園 幼小中高


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Sports Festival

The PE Festival is an important school event that started from the foundation of Tamagawa Academy. Kindergarteners through University students gather at the Memorial Ground to present the results of their daily PE classes in the form of mass games. The performance of each Division is structured around the idea of Danish Gymnastics which is based on the developmental stages of the children.

Every year, IB students from Grades 6 to 12 come together to create a powerful performance that combines the contemporary music of Hip Hop and the traditional movements of Danish Gymnastics.
Students demonstrate dance moves learned in PE classes and also their own choreographed movements during the performance. Students are invited to join the dance creation team and create their own movements, formations, and other elements.

This is an event that can only be held at Tamagawa Academy where students from Kindergarten to University study in the same campus.



IBDP(Diploma Programme)
