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Tamagawa University Quantum ICT Research Institute Bulletin Vol.6 No.1 (2016)

Regular paper

  1. Mitsuru Hamada, “Remarks on Some Results on Rotations,” pp.1-4
  2. Osamu Hirota, “Nonlinear quantum mechanics of Gross-Pitaevskii and conditional isometric process -Historical Remark-,” pp.5-8
  3. Kentaro Kato, “Quantum Detection of Quaternary Amplitude-Shift Keying Coherent State Signal,” pp.9-24
  4. Masaki Sohma, “On the Relation between Holevo’s Commutation Operator and Modular Operator,” pp.25-27
  5. Genta Masada, “Sensitivity of Optical-Phase Control in a High-Power Two-Mode Squeezed Light Source,” pp.29-32

Report to editor

  1. 6. Takehisa Iwakoshi, “On Possible Problem with Current Security Proofs of Quantum Key Distribution-,” pp.33-35
  2. 7. Dan Murakami, “Simulator of Correlation Detection Method,” pp.37-42

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