玉川大学 研究所


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日時 2023年7月27日(木)16時00分~17時30分
開催方法 ハイブリッド開催(Zoom meeting)
講演者 Jerome N. Sanes先生
(Department of Neuroscience, Robert J. & Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science, Brown University)
講演タイトル Light intensity coding in the human prefrontal cortex

Light intensity affects mood and cognition in humans and experimental animals, and a distinctive component of retinal output encodes absolute light intensity in the visual environment. This pathway derives largely from melanopsin-expressing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs). These cells innervate multiple subcortical targets and drive diverse physiological effects of light including circadian entrainment, pupillary reflexes, neuroendocrine and sleep modulation, along with retinal and visual brain development. A relatively direct pathway to the medial frontal cortex in mice appears to mediate depression-like symptoms. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we have now determined that regions in the human prefrontal cortex code light intensity, and that these regions appear to operate  independently of occipital regions that also have light intensity sensitivity. Furthermore, the response properties of the prefrontal regions have similarity to physiological responses of ipRGCs, suggesting that the photic information to the prefrontal cortex that codes mood has independence from the retinal-geniculate-striatal pathway. Since some of the prefrontal regions having light intensity sensitivity overlap with regions implicated in depression, we also examined whether seasonal-affective disorder and major depressive disorder modified prefrontal responses to different illumination levels. While people with depression exhibited light intensity coding in the prefrontal cortex, we did find a region in the inferior frontal cortex with differential light intensity coding between healthy controls and depressed patients. From these experiments, we have provided evidence that supports the use of light therapy for depression disorders.

参加登録 学外の方につきましては、オンラインでの参加となります。
Zoom meetingでの開催のため、下記サイトにて登録をお願いします。登録後、Zoom meetingのURL等をお送りします(登録時の個人情報は本講演会のご案内以外には使用しません)。


登録締切日 2023年7月26日(水)17時
個人情報の取り組み 下記、個人情報への取り組みをご確認のうえ、同意する場合のみ参加登録をお願いします。


参加費 無料
主催 玉川大学脳科学研究所
お問い合わせ 玉川大学研究推進事業部研究推進課
