Research Achievement
- Ken Tanizawa, Kentaro Kato, and Fumio Futami, “Real-time 50-Gbit/s Spatially Multiplexed Quantum Random Number Generator Based on Vacuum Fluctuation,” IEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 1209-1214, Feb. 2024.
- Ken Tanizawa, Kentaro Kato, and Fumio Futami, “Spatially Multiplexed Quantum Entropy Source with Single LD for 100-Gbps Random Numbers and Beyond,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 229-232, Mar. 2023.
- Ken Tanizawa, and Fumio Futami, “Tradeoff between Reach and Security in Nyquist WDM Transmission of PSK Y-00 Quantum Stream Cipher,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 21, pp. 1147-1150, Nov. 2023.
- Ken Tanizawa, and Fumio Futami, “IF-over-Fiber Transmission of OFDM Quantum-Noise Randomized PSK Cipher for Physical Layer Encryption of Wireless Signals,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1698-1704, Mar. 2022.
- Masaki Sohma, and Osamu Hirota, “Quantum stream cipher based on Holevo-Yuen theory”, Entropy, vol-24, no-5, 667, 2022.
- Kentaro Kato, “Non-orthogonality measure for a collection of pure states”, Entropy, vol-24, no-5, 581, 2022.
- Xi Chen, Ken Tanizawa, Peter Winzer, Po Dong, Junho Cho, Fumio Futami, Kentaro Kato, Argishti Melikyan, and KW Kim, “Experimental Demonstration of 4,294,967,296-QAM Based Y-00 Quantum Stream Cipher Template Carrying 160-Gb/s 16-QAM Signals,” Optics Express, vol. 29, iss. 4, pp. 5658-5664, Feb. 2021.
- Ken Tanizawa, and Fumio Futami, “Ultra-long-haul digital coherent PSK Y-00 quantum stream cipher transmission system,” Optics Express, vol. 29, iss. 7, pp. 10451-10464, Mar. 2021.
- Kenji Nakahira and Kentaro Kato, "Simple Upper and Lower Bounds on the Ultimate Success Probability for Discriminating Arbitrary Finite-Dimensional Quantum Processes", Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 200502, May 2021.
- Kenji Nakahira and Kentaro Kato, "Generalized quantum process discrimination problems", Phys. Rev. A 103, 062606, Jun 2021.
- Kenji Nakahira,
"Quantum process discrimination with restricted strategies", Phys. Rev. A 104, 062609, Dec 2021. - Osamu Hirota,“Introduction to semi-classical analysis for digital errors of Qubit in quantum processor”, Entropy, vol-23, no-12, 1577, 2021.
- Kenji Nakahira,
Derivation of quantum theory with superselection rules,
Phys. Rev. A 101, 022104, 2020 - Fumio Futami, Ken Tanizawa, and Kentaro Kato, “Y-00 Quantum-Noise Randomized Stream Cipher Using Intensity Modulation Signals for Physical Layer Security of Optical Communications,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 2773-2780, May. 2020.
- Ken Tanizawa, and Fumio Futami, “Quantum Noise-Assisted Coherent Radio-over-Fiber Cipher System for Secure Optical Fronthaul and Microwave Wireless Links,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, no. 16, pp. 4244-4249, Aug. 2020.
- Ken Tanizawa, and Fumio Futami, “Digital coherent PSK Y-00 quantum stream cipher with 217 randomized phase levels,” Optics Express, vol. 27, iss. 2, pp. 1071-1079, Jan. 2019. - Local unambiguous discrimination of symmetric ternary states
Kenji Nakahira, Kentaro Kato, and Tsuyoshi Sasaki Usuda
Phys. Rev. A 99, 022316, 2019 -
Ken Tanizawa, and Fumio Futami, “Single channel 48-Gbit/s DP-PSK Y-00quantum stream cipher transmission over 400- and 800-km SSMF,” Optics Express, vol. 27, iss. 18, pp. 25357-25363, Sep. 2019.
- Kenji Nakahira, Kentaro Kato, and Tsuyoshi S. Usuda,
Optimal discrimination of optical coherent states cannot always be realized by interfering with coherent light, photon counting, and feedback,
Physical Review A, vol-97, no-2, p022320, 2018. - Kenji Nakahira, Kentaro Kato, and Tsuyoshi S. Usuda,
Generalized bipartite quantum state discrimination problems with sequential measurements,
Physical Review A, vol-97, no-2, p022340, 2018. - Ken Tanizawa, Fumio Futami, and Osamu Hirota,
Digital feed-forward carrier phase estimation for PSK Y-00 quantum noise randomized stream cipher, IEICE Communications Express, vol-7, no-1, p1, 2018 - Kenji Nakahira, Tsuyoshi S. Usuda, and Kentaro Kato,
Realizing a 2-D Positive Operator-Valued Measure by Local Operations and Classical Communication,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol-IT 64, no-1, p613, 2018. - Kenji Nakahira, Tsuyoshi S. Usuda, and Kentaro Kato,
Upper and lower bounds on optimal success probability of quantum state discrimination with and without inconclusive results
Physical Review A, vol-97, no-1, p012103, 2018. - Takehisa Iwakoshi,
FUNDAMENTAL LIMIT AND TRADE-OFF BETWEEN SECURITY AND SECURE KEY GENERATION RATE IN QUANTUM KEY DISTRIBUTION, METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, Vol. 24 (2017), No. 1, pp. 33–38. - Ken Tanizawa, and Fumio Futami, “2^14 Intensity-Level 10-Gbaud Y-00 Quantum Stream Cipher Enabled by Coarse-to-Fine Modulation,”
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 22, pp. 1987-1990, Nov.2018. - Takehisa Iwakoshi, "Guessing probability under unlimited known-plaintext attack on secret keys for Y00 quantum stream cipher by quantum multiple hypotheses testing," Optical Engineering 57(12), 126103 (10 December 2018).
- Osamu Hirota,
Error free quantum reading by quasi Bell state of entangled coherent state,
Quantum Measurement and Quantum Metrology, vol-4, p70, 2017 - Fumio Futami, Kyle Guan, Jurgen Gripp, Kentaro Kato, Ken Tanizawa, Sethumashavan Chandrasekhar, and Peter J.Winzer, Y-00 quantum stream cipher overlay in a coherent 256-Gbit/s polarization multiplexed 16-QAM WDM, Optics Express, vol-25, no-26, 33338, 2017
- Kenji Nakahria, Tsuyoshi .S. Usuda, and Kentaro Kato,
Finding Optimal Solutions for Generalized Quantum State Discrimination Problems,
IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, vol-IT 63, no-12, p7845, 2017.
- Osamu Hirota, Importance and applications of infinite dimensionalnon-orthogonal quantum state,Journal of Lasers, Optics and Photonics, vol-3, no-1, 129, 2016.
- Kenji Nakahira, Kentaro Kato, Tsuyoshi Usuda, Generalized quantum state discrimination problems, Physical Review A, vol-91, 052304, 2015.
- Kenji Nakahira, Tsuyoshi Usuda, and Kentaro Kato, Iterative methods for finding optimum quantum measurement under minimum error and minimax criteria, Phayical Review A, vol-91, 012318, 2015.
- Kenji Nakahira, Tsuyoshi Usuda, and Kentaro Kato, Finding optimum measurements with inconclusive results using the problem of minimum error discrimination, Phyaical Review A, vol-91, 022331, 2015.
- Fumio Futami, "Experimental demonstrations of Y-00 cipher for high capacity and secure optical fiber communications",Quantum Information Processing, vol. 13, no-10, pp2277-2292, 2014
- Masaki Sohma and Osamu Hirota, "Masking property of quantum random cipher with phase mask encryption",Quantum Information Processing, vol. 13, no-10, pp2221-2240, 2014
- M. Hamada,
"The minimum number of rotations about two axes for constructing an arbitrarily fixed rotation,"
R. Soc. open sci., 1:140145, 2014.
- Kenji Nakahira, Kentaro Kato and Tsuyoshi Sasaki Usuda "Minimax strategy in quantum signal detection with inconclusive results" Physical Review A, vol. 88, 032314, 2013
- Kenji Nakahira and Tsuyoshi Sasaki Usuda "Quantum measurement for a group-covariant state set" Physical Review A, vol. 87, 012308, 2013
- Kenji Nakahira and Tsuyoshi Sasaki Usuda "Optimal Receiver for discrimination of two coherent states with inconclusive results" Physical Review A, vol. 86, 052323, 2012
- Kenji Nakahira and Tsuyoshi Sasaki Usuda "Minimum-Bayes-cost discrimination for symmetric quantum states" Physical Review A, vol. 86, 062305, 2012
- 広田 修、情報理論的安全な鍵共有の安全性評価の不完全性について
(O.Hirota, "Incompleteness and limit of quantum key distribution theory",
Los Alamos arXiv, quant-ph:1208.2106v2, August, 2012) - K. Nakahira and T. S. Usuda,
"Minimum-Error Discrimination Between Self-Symmetric Mixed Quantum State Signals,"
IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 1215--1222, 2012 - Kenji Nakahira, Tsuyoshi Sasaki Usuda, and Kentaro Kato,
"Discrimination between geometrically uniform quantum states with inconclusive results,"
Physical Review A, vol. 86, 032316, 2012
- K.Harasawa, O.Hirota, K.Yamashita, M.Honda, K.Ohhata, S.Akutsu, and Y.Doi,
"Quantum encryption communication over a 192 Km, 2.5 Gbit/sec line with optical tranceivers employing Yuen-2000 protocol based intensity modulation",
IEEE. Journal of Light Wave Technology, vol-29, no-3, 316-323, 2011. - K. Kato, and O. Hirota ,
"Randomization techniques for the intensity modulation based quantum stream cipher and progress of experiment,"
SPIE conference on Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging Ⅸ, Proceedings vol-8163, 2011. - F. Futami and O. Hirota,
"Experimental Observation of Masking Y-00 Cipher Signal Levels by Intensity Noise",
Proceedings of 16th Opto-Electoronics and Communication Conference (OECC 2010), 5A3-2, 2011. - F. Futami and O. Hirota,
"Masking of 4096-level Intensity Modulation Signals by Noises for Secure Communication Employing Y-00 Cipher Protocol",
Proceedings of 37th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2011), Tu.6.C.4, 2011. - T.Iwakoshi and O.Hirota,
"Quantitative analysis of quantum noise masking in quantum stream cipher by intensity modulation operating at Gbit/sec data rate",
SPIE conference on Security and Defense, Proceedings vol.-8189, part C, 15, 2011.
- K.Ohhata,O.Hirota, M.Honda, S.Akutsu, Y.Doi, K.Harasawa, and K.Yamashita,
10 Gbit/sec optical transceiver using the Yuen 2000 encryption protocol
IEEE. J. of Light wave Technology, vol-28, no-18, pp2714-2723, 2010. - O.Hirota, T.Iwakoshi, M.Sohma, and F.Futami
Quantum stream cipher beyond the Shannon limit of symmetric cipher and the possibility of experimental demonstration
SPIE conference on quantum communication and quantum imaging VIII;Proc. of SPIE, vol-7815, 2010. - 広田 修、相馬 正宜
日本光学会誌;光学、vol-39, no-1, pp17-22, 2010.
- O.Hirota, K.Ohhata, M.Honda, S.Akutsu, Y.Doi, K.Harasawa, and K.Yamashita,
Experiments of 10 Gbit/sec quantum stream cipher applicable to optical Ethernet and optical satellite link
SPIE conference on quantum communication and quantum imaging VII;Proc. of SPIE, vol-7465, 2009.
- 広田 修、清水 哲也、相馬 正宜、加藤 研太郎
Yuen 2000 プロトコルによる超高速量子ストリーム暗号
レーザー学会誌;レーザー研究、vol-36, no-7, pp428-432, 2008. - 原澤、広田、山下、本田、圷、細井、土井、大畠、片山、清水
Yuen 2000 プロトコルによる物理暗号のためのRandomizationの実装回路の考察
電子情報通信学会論文誌 C、vol-J91, no-8, pp399-408, 2008. - T.Shimizu, O.Hirota, and Y.Nagasako,
Running key mapping in quantum stream cipher by Yuen 2000 protocol,
Physical Review A ,77, 034305 , 2008. - M. Hamada,
"Concatenated Quantum Codes Constructible in Polynomial Time: Efficient Decoding and Error Correction"
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory,
vol.54, no.12, pp.5689 - 5704, Dec. 2008.
- O.Hirota,
Practical security analysis of quantum stream cipher by Yuen 2000 protocol,
Physical Review A ,76, 032307, 2007. - M.Sohma, and O.Hirota,
Holevo capacity of attenuation channels assisted by linear amplifiers
Physical Review A ,76, 024303, 2007. - O.Hirota and K.Kurosawa,
Immunity against correlation attack on quantum stream cipher by Yuen 2000 protocol
Quantum Information Processing, vol-6, no-2, pp81-91, 2007.
K.Kato and O.Hirota,
Quantum stream cipher part IV,effects of the deliberate signal randomization and deliberate error randomization.
Proc. on quantum communication and imaging IV. SPIE., Proc. vol-6305, 2006.
- M.Hamada,
Information rates achievable with algebraic codes on quantum discrete memoryless channels
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51(12):4263―4277, (2005) - H.Azuma,
Higher-order perturbation theory for decoherence in Grover's algorithm
Physical Review A -72, 042305, 2005 - 相馬 正宜
電子情報通信学会、論文誌 A, vol-J88-A, no 8, pp895-902, 2005 - O.Hirota, M.Sohma, M.Fuse, and K.Kato
Quantum stream cipher by Yuen 2000 protocol: Design and experiment by intensity modulation scheme.
Physical Review A -72, 022335, 2005 - S.J.van Enk and O.Hirota
Entangled states of light and their robustness against photon absorption
Physical Review A-71, 062322, 2005 - O.Hirota, T.Usuda, and M.Fuse,
Quantum stream cipher part III , keyed randomization and experiments.
Proc. on quantum communication and imaging III. SPIE Proc. vol-5893, 2005. - 広田 修
- T.Hiroshima, and O.Hirota,
Continuous variable noise free states in correlated quantum noisy channels,
Proc. of QCM&C, AIP, 2004. - O.Hirota, K.Kato, M.Sohma, and M.Fuse,
A quantum symmetric key cipher(Y-00) and key generation: Quantum stream cipher part II,
Proc. on quantum informatics in Moscow. SPIE Proc. vol-5833, 2004. - 広田 修
情報処理、vol-45, no-11, 2004 - O.Hirota, K.Kato, M.Sohma, T.Usuda, and K.Harasawa,
Quantum stream cipher based on optical communications,
Proc. SPIE, vol-5551, 2004. - 広田 修
電子情報通信学会、論文誌 B, No-4, pp 478-486, 2004
- K.Kato, and O.Hirota,
Square Root Measurement for Quantum Symmetric Mixed State Signals
IEEE, Trans. on Information Theory, vol-49, no-12, pp3312-3317, 2003 - O.Hirota, K.Kato, M.Sohma, and T.Usuda
Quantum key distribution with unconditinal security for all optical fiber network
Proc. SPIE, vol-5161, 2003 - M.Sohma and O.Hirota,
A Capacity of Channel Assisted by Two-mode Squeezed State
Physical Review A-68, 022303, 2003.
- M.Sohma and O.Hirota,
Squeezing is good at low information rate,
Physical Review A, vol.65, no-2, 022319 , 2002.
- M.Sohma and O.Hirota,
Information capacity formula of quantum optical channels,
Recent research development in Optics I, 2001, Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India - S. van Enk and O.Hirota,
Entangled coherent state: teleportation and decoherence,
Physical Review A, vol.64, no-2, 022313, 2001. - K.Kurokawa and O.Hirota,
Properties of quantum reliability function and its applications to several quantum signals,
Electronics and communications in Japan, Part 3,2001 vol.84, no.9, pp.31-41, 2001.
- A.Tomita and O.Hirota,
Security of classical noise-based cryptography,
Journal of Optics B , vol.2, no.6, pp.705-710, 2000. - A.S.Holevo, M.Sohma, and O.Hirota,
Error exponents for quantum channels with constrained inputs,
Report on Mathematical Physics vol.46, no.3, pp.343-358, 2000. - M.Sohma and O.Hirota,
Binary discretization for quantum continuous channels,
Physical Review A. vol.62, no.5, pp.052312-1-4, 2000. - O.Hirota,
A foundation of quantum channels with super additiveness for Shannon information,
Applicable Algebra in Eng. Communication and Computing , vol-10, no.4/5, pp.401-423, 2000. - 黒川 啓子、 広田 修、
電子情報通信学会論文誌 A, vol. J83-A, no.1, pp.57-66, 2000年1月.
- T.S.Usuda, I.Takumi, M.Hata, and O.Hirota,
Minimum error detection of classical linear code sending through a quantum channel,
Physics Letters A, 256, pp.104-108, 1999. - M.Sasaki, S.Barnett, R.Jozsa, M.Osaki, and O.Hirota,
Accesible information and optimal strategies for real symmetrical quantum sources,
Physical Review A, vol.59, no.5, pp.3325-3335, 1999. - M.Ban, K.Kurokawa, and O.Hirota,
Cut-off rate performance of quantum communication channels with symmetric states,
Journal of Optics B; Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, vol-1, pp.206-218, 1999. - A.S.Holevo, M.Sohma, and O.Hirota,
Capacity of quamtum Gaussian channels,
Physical Review A, vol.59, no.3, pp.1820-1828, 1999. - K.Kato, M.Osaki, and O.Hirota,
Derivation of classical capacity of quantum channel for discrete information source,
Physics Letters A, 251, pp.157-163, 1999. - K.Kato, M.Osaki, M.Sasaki, and O.Hirota,
Quantum detection and mutual information for QAM and PSK signals,
IEEE Transactions on communications, vol.47, no.2, pp.248-254, 1999.
- M.Osaki, T.S.Usuda and O.Hirota,
Group covariant detection for a three-phase shift keyed signal,
Physics Letters A, 245, pp.189-196,1998. - M.Ban, K.Kurokawa, and O.Hirota,
Cut-off rate for quantum communication channels with entangled measurement,
Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 10, pp.7-12, 1998. - M.Sasaki, K.Kato, M.Izutsu, and O.Hirota,
Quantum channels showing superadditivity in classical capacity,
Physical Review A, vol.58, no.1, pp.146-158, 1998. - M.Sasaki, T.S.Usuda, M.Izutsu, and O.Hirota,
Realization of a collective decoding of code-word states,
Physical Review A, vol.58, no.1, pp.159-164, 1998. - M.Osaki, M.Ban, and O.Hirota,
The maximum mutual information without coding for binary quantum state signals,
Journal of Modern Optics, vol.45, no.2, pp.269-282, 1998.
- M.Sasaki, R.Momose, and O.Hirota,
Quantum detection for on-off keyed mixed state with small amount of thermal noise,
Physical Review A,vol.55, no.4, pp.3222-3225, 1997. - M.Ban, K.Kurokawa, R.Momose, and O.Hirota,
Optimum measurements for discrimination among symmetric quantum states and parameter estimation,
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, vol.36, no.6, pp.1269-1288, 1997. - M.Sasaki, K.Kato, M.Izutsu, and O.Hirota,
A demonstration of superadditivity in the classical capacity of a quantum channel,
Physics Letters A, vol.236, pp.1-4, 1997. - M.Sasaki, R.Momose, and O.Hirota,
Quantum detection for on-off keyed mixed-state signals with a small amount of thermal noise,
Physical Review A, vol.55, no.4, pp.3222-3225, 1997. - M.Sasaki and O.Hirota,
Quantum interference control for optimum decision between binary quantum state signals,
Physics Letters A, vol.224, pp.213-219, 1997. - M.Ban, K.Yamazaki, and O.Hirota,
Accessible information in combined and sequential quantum measurement on a binary state signal,
Physical Review A, vol.55, no.1, pp.22-26, 1997.
- M.Sasaki, T.Usuda, O.Hirota, and A.Holevo,
Application of Jaynes-Cummings model for detection of non-orthogonal quantum states,
Physical Review A, vol.53, no.3, pp.1273-1279, 1996. - M.Sasaki and O.Hirota,
Some examples of optimum decision for non-orthogonal quantum states,
Physics Letters A, vol.210, pp.21-25, 1996. - 広田 修、大崎 正雄、佐々木 雅英、番 雅司、
レーザー研究、 vol.24, no.2, pp.261-269, 1996. - M.Sasaki and O.Hirota,
An optimum decision scheme with unitary control process for binary quantum state signals,
Physical Review A, vol.54, no.4, pp.2728-2736, 1996. - M.Osaki, M.Ban, and O.Hirota,
Derivation of the optimum detection operator and its physical interpretation for coherent state signals,
Physical Review A, vol.54, no.2, pp.1691-1701, 1996. - M.Ban, M.Osaki, and O.Hirota,
Upper bound of the accessible information and lower bound of th Bayes cost in quantum signal detection processes,
Physical Review A, vol.54, no.4, pp.2718-2727, 1996 - M.Ban, M.Osaki, and O.Hirota,
Optimizations of quantum measurement processes for signal detection and information transmission in quantum systems,
Journal of Modern Optics, vol.43, no.11, pp.2337-2354, 1996.
- V.P.Belavkin, O.Hirota, and R.Hudson,
The world of quantum noise and fundamental output processes,
Quantum communication and measurement,
Plenum press, edited by Belavkin, Hirota, and Hudson, 1995. - M.Sasaki, T.S.Usuda, and O.Hirota,
Physical aspect of improvement of quantum noise characteristics caused by unitary transform with a non-linear optical medium,
Physical Review A, vol.51, pp.1702-1705, 1995. - O.Hirota,
Role of Schödinger cat state in quantum information,
Annals of the New York academy of science, vol.755, pp.863, 1995. - T.S.Usuda, and O.Hirota,
An example of received quantum state control,
Quantum communication and measurement,
Plenum press, edited by Belavkin, Hirota, and Hudson, 1995. - R.Momose, M.Osaki, M.Ban, M.Sasaki, and O.Hirota,
On a relation between quantum interference and standard quantum limit,
In Proc. of 4th International conf. on squeezed state & uncertainty relation, NASA Proc. Series , 1995. - M.Osaki, H.Kozuka, and O.Hirota,
Physical meaning of optimum measurement process in quantum detection theory,
In Proc. of 4th International conf. on squeezed state & uncertainty relation, NASA Proc. Series , 1995. - O.Hirota,
Non-causality and quantum communication theory,
Research Review, Research Institute of Tamagawa University , no.1, pp.1, 1995.
- T.S.Usuda, T.Satoh, K.Yamazaki, and O.Hirota,
Signal to noise ratio of optical system consisting of squeezer and Kerr medium,
Journal of Modern Optics, vol.41, pp.2275-2289, 1994. - O.Hirota,
Conditional quantum channel and certain of its construction,
Journal of Open system & information dynamics, vol.2, pp.157-175. 1994. - O.Hirota and Y.Suematsu,
Quantum intensity noise of directly modulated lasers diode influenced by reflected waves,
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Enhancement effect of high frequency noise properties of injection lasers due to reflected waves,
Optics Communications, vol.33, no.2, pp.136, 1980. - O.Hirota, Y.Suematsu, and K.Kwok,
Properties of intensity noise of laser diode due to reflected waves from single mode fiber and its reduction,
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol.QE-17, no.6, pp.1014, 1980. - O.Hirota and Y.Suematsu,
Noise properties of injection lasers due to reflected waves,
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol.QE-15, no.3, pp.142, 1979.
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- 末松 安晴、広田 修、大学セミナー電磁気学演習Ⅱ、昭晃堂、1982.
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Quantum communication, computing, and measurement, Plenum Press, 1997. - V.P.Belavkin, O.Hirota, and R.L.Hudson,
Quantum communication and measurement, Plenum Press, 1996. - Squeezed light, Elsevier, 1992.
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Quantum aspect of optical communications, Lecture Note in Physics, Springer, LNP-378, 1991. - スクィズド光、森北出版、1990.
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