STEM 未来へ「ロボット」チャレンジ
ご存知のとおり、日本という国は高い技術をもって国の生計をなりたたせている技術国家です。その最も基本的な要因は、国民の一人一人が持つSTEM(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)、すなわち科学、技術、工学、数学といった理系分野の基礎能力です。国民一人一人の基礎能力が集まって技術にセンスのある社会をなりたたせ、それが高いレベルの文化となって世界に評価される優れた製品を作り出しています。そしてその製品を輸出し、その収入をもって生活に必要な食糧・燃料・材料といった資材を輸入する、という国の生計を成り立たせる根源的な力が個々人のSTEMの能力なのです。その意味で、教育におけるSTEMの重要性は疑いようがなく、玉川学園もまた高いSTEMの素養をもった人材を世に送り出すべく多様な活動をしています。
ロボットは最先端の工学であり、近い将来、我々の生活はロボットのような便利な道具に支えられるようになるだろうという意味で、影響力の強い技術です。しかし一方で、ロボットは子供や若者達の興味をひきつけてやまない魅力的な人工物です。現在、例えばロボカップ※2 やWRO(World Robot Olympiad)など、その特長を活かした教育目的のロボット競技会が数多く行われ、世界中で何万人もの子供・大学生・大人が参加しています。そのSTEM教育についての効果は、単にそれに必要な技術の学習に止まらず、チームワーク、問題解決の方略探索などSTEMの基盤となる、より幅広い技能について高いレベルの効用があることはよく知られています。しかし現在、個々の活動の効用は判っていても、K-12(Kindergarten幼稚園から高校3年生までの教育)-大学-大学院までの教育課程全体の総合的な体系化は行われてはいません。これは、効果的なSTEM教育の実現に欠かせない重要な問題です。


しかし私たちの目的は、玉川学園・玉川大学の高いレベルのロボット活動だけではありません。日本の未来を担う若者たちのSTEMの能力を組織的に磨いていくため、私たちはこれまでの活動で得た子供たちの意欲を引き出すノウハウを体系化し、正規の教育課程に組み込むことのできる教材として形にすることを目指しています。どのような教材で何をどのような順番で体験・学習させるか? どういう指導が、子供たちの意欲を引き出してSTEMの楽しさを伝え、結果としてSTEMの技能を無理なく与えることができるのか? さらに、そのような指導のできる教員をどうやって育てるのか? これが私達、玉川学園/玉川大学でTRCPに関わっている人々のチャレンジなのです。
- 1TRCP(玉川ロボットチャレンジプロジェクト)
小学4年生から大学院生まで、種々のロボット活動の交流を行い、未来の科学技術を担う人材の育成につなげています。 - 2ロボカップジャパンオープン2013東京
STEM education and robot development activities at Tamagawa
Japan is well known to be a science and high technology oriented country. The key factor supporting this national development is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics): the basic ability grounding scientific understanding of phenomena. The technology-oriented society is composed of citizens’ individual technical ability, of which leads to the creation of splendid products pronounced all over the world. By this, Japan is able to export advanced products and in return, import food, fuels and all other necessities to fulfill the citizens’ basic needs. This fundamental commodity flow which relies on individual ability is what makes STEM the driver of our nation. In this sense, there is no doubt that STEM occupies a place of undeniable importance in the field of education, and Tamagawa Academy pursues various activities to foster human resources characterized by the high levels of STEM.
Tamagawa University has established three research centers: the Research Institute, the Brain Science Institute, and the Quantum ICT Research Institute. Additionally, two other projects are also under operation of which are Solar Challenge and Robot Challenge. These facilities and projects promote the discovery of new knowledge as well as the development of new technologies through advanced research and activities within their respective fields. The students participation in these research projects and activities are hoped to contribute to achieving a high level of Tamagawa University STEM education.
TRCP (Tamagawa Robot Challenge Project)*1
Robot is a state-of-art field of engineering in the sense that our lives are going to be supported by useful tools, and is by no means highly influential. However, robots are also fascinating machines that draw keen interest from children and young adults. Robot competitions are common these days, such including the RoboCup*2 and World Robot Olympiad (WRO), whose goals are to promote the educational merit through robotics. Tens and thousands of children, university students, and adults from all around the world participate in these competitions. STEM education goes beyond learning the technologies required to develop robots. STEM enhances skills across a broad spectrum representing STEM’s foundations, including teamwork and strategic problem-solving capabilities. Although the benefits of STEM educational activities are clear, the current K-12 and university/graduate school curricula have not been adequately systematized. This is a critical issue for achieving effective STEM education.
The Tamagawa Robot Challenge Project (TRCP) seeks to achieve consistent STEM education across all levels of learning at Tamagawa Academy ranging from K16 to graduate school and research institutes. To this end, the TRCP serves to systematically link and coordinate robot-related activities at all academic levels at Tamagawa Academy K-12 & University. At Tamagawa Academy, grade 4 students are given the opportunity to produce robots. From grades 5 to 12, the students design and create robots for competitions through extracurricular activities as members of a science or robot club. Through these efforts, the students polish their STEM skills and learn how their efforts are evaluated by third parties. In grades 10 to 12, students learn robot programming as a part of their information science class. Students involved in Project-Based Learning (PBL) at the College of Engineering at Tamagawa University seek to produce working robots on their own. Ultimately, undergraduates, graduate students, and research scholars participate in the RoboCup senior division to showcase on a global stage STEM skills refined through daily effort.
Students at Tamagawa Academy K-12 & University have achieved high marks in robot competitions held in Japan. Our students carry on their predecessors’ activities to realize continuous and systematic robot development. In the RoboCup world competition, Tamagawa University students have won the world championship and second place honors, each on two occasions. The students responsible for these achievements were highly regarded, and graduate our university with great honor. In recent years, the activities of their school instructors have drawn notice and recognition in the form of various awards and prizes.
Our mission at Tamagawa Academy K-12 & University goes beyond boosting first-rate robotics instruction and research. To enhance the STEM skills of young people and motivate our students?the future leaders of Japan?we are systematically organizing our accumulated know-how and incorporating it into our curricula. How will the teachers and instructors, involved in TRCP at Tamagawa Academy K-12 & University, strive to design effective teaching materials and to identify the most effective sequence of lessons? What kind of activities are most motivating for the students? How do we make the joy of STEM as vivid as possible for the most effective acquisition of STEM skills? These are the challenges that the teachers involved in the TRCP at Tamagawa Academy K-12 & University tackle today.
- 1RoboCup Japan Open 2013 Tokyo
This competition is held on the campus of Tamagawa University and Academy for three-day period from May 4 (Saturday) to May 6 (Monday). (The days fall during a holiday period in Japan.) - 2TRCP (Tamagawa Robot Challenge Project) activities
The project promotes various robot-related exchange activities for students ranging from fourth graders to graduate students, with the goal of cultivating human resources capable of leading the scientific and technological advances of the future.