史料は語る 4
小原國芳 筆蹟 紙本墨書 色紙 時期不詳
白栁弘幸 学術研究所特別研究員
Origins of ‘Zenjin’
The word Zenjin has been used for a long time. For example, Banzan Kumazawa, a Yomei-gaku scholar in the Edo era, used it in his book, Kokyo Shokai, which explains the principle of respect for elder family members. The concept of Zenjin was widely recognized and accepted by European philosophers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, and Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. Kuniyoshi wrote in the book Kyoiku Ichiro that he had been considering other names for his educational theory when preparing for the symposium Hachidai Kyoiku Shucho( The Eight Greatest Pedagogical Opinions) in 1921, but that just before the event he created the word Zenjin and consequently named his theory Zenjin Education. In fact, the proposed name( Zenjin Kyoiku) had been foreshadowed when Kuniyoshi wrote in an article published by the Kyoto Rakuyo Church in 1917, “The education of the whole person is required”.
Kazuhito Obara
Managing Director, Vice President, Associate Head of School