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教育博物館所蔵『玉川大學設置認可申請』に載る「農政学科」については「農為國本」の考えをもとにして、「農業自営者並ニ農業技術実施指導者ノ養成」「農村青年ハ勿論農村ヲ指導スベキ人格識見ヲ俱備セル人物ノ養成」「敎育的ナ大學・研究的ナ大學・進歩的ナ大學・科学的・能率高キ大學ガ日本ニ存在スルコトハ寔(まこと) ニ重要」などと書かれた。国家再建のために教員養成が重要であるように、農業振興のための人材育成が重要と考えたからだ。
白柳弘幸 学術研究所特別研究員
“Agriculture is the Foundation of the Nation”
These words were selected by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in China and included in his book of political precepts and admonitions, Teihan. After World War II, Japan was in ruins, and Kuniyoshi thought that without education, Japan would never be restored. He immediately started to prepare an application to establish a new university. On February 24 in 1947, the College of Humanities and Agriculture was founded, with two departments: the Department of Humanities and the Department of Agricultural Management. Tamagawa Gakuen always aims for a life of harmony with the natural environment, and Kuniyoshi found the spirit of Rosaku(learning by experience)in the words, “Agriculture is the Foundation of the Nation”.
Kazuhito Obara
Managing Director, Vice President, Associate Head of School