史料は語る 13
「天馬行空 天まで 天まで 天まで とどけ」
小原國芳 筆蹟
紙本墨書 色紙 時期不詳

小原國芳が成城小学校主事の時、優秀な子供たちに学年を超えた課題を与え、飛び級も行っていた。そうした様子を見た参観者が、そんなに進んだらどうするのかと質問した。それに対して小原は「『天まで! 天まで! 天まで届かしたい』……音樂でも數學でも繪でも文章でも、ただ驚かされる……特に子供の力の偉大なことを。私は、成城に来てから特に敎へられる……私共のやつてることがやりすぎるといふ人は、私にいはせれば、子供の力の偉大さを認め得ない人逹に違ひない」(『自由敎育論』)。
白柳弘幸 学術研究所特別研究員
“To the skies, heavenly horse, to the skies”
Liu Tingzhen, a Chinese writer in the Ming Dynasty, likened poet Sadula’s talents for literature and calligraphy and his openmindedness to a winged horse flying freely in the sky.
When Kuniyoshi taught at Seijogakuen, he was surprised by students’ potential, so he introduced a system for advanced learning and accelerated progression. This system would not have existed without Kuniyoshi’s confidence and faith in his students’ abilities. After he moved to Tamagawagakuen, he started jiyu kenkyu( individual research) as an opportunity to offer education that respects individuality in order to make the most of Tamagawakko’s interests. Through jiyu kenkyu, students are expected to build a sense of unobstructed choice and infinite possibilities.
Kazuhito Obara
Managing Director, Vice President, Associate Head of School
English version finalized in collaboration with
Paul McBride
Director, Center for English as a Lingua Franca (CELF)