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史料は語る 15

「子供は遊戯をしないと馬鹿になる 玉川幼稚部」

小原國芳 筆蹟
紙本墨書 掛軸装 時期不詳

「子供は遊戯をしないと馬鹿になる 玉川幼稚部」

「人間生活として、本能とか、人生とか、藝術とかいつたような精神生活の上からいつて、つまり眞に子供たらんが爲に。シルレル* がいつてくれた如く『人は遊ぶ時のみ正しく人間である』から」と記している。そう、遊びは子どもだけでなく大人にとっても大切なことなのだ。

  • ヨーハン・クリストフ・フリードヒ・フォン・シラー(Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller/1759‐1805)。ゲーテと並ぶドイツ古典主義の代表者。第九の原詞者

白柳弘幸 学術研究所特別研究員

“ It’s Children’s Instinct to Play”

Tamagawagakuen Kindergarten has always been surrounded by natural beauty. On a sunny day, children go deep into a bush and smash through a thicket. Through okameguri(nature roaming), they eat bento, sing songs, pluck flowers, gather nuts, collect colorful fallen leaves, and indulge in gokkoasobi(make-believe play). The campus immediately becomes children’s playground, and various kinds of play spontaneously take place:doroasobi(playing in the mud), sasabune(making a bamboo leaf ship), and kousaku(handicraft). Through their play, children learn the importance of rules and acquire social skills to interact with the others. Kuniyoshi took notice of the meaning of children’s play, and he urged adults to pay more attention to what children learn and accomplish during the play that they have created all by themselves.
When he explained education at Tamagawagakuen Kindergarten, Kuniyoshi often used a quote from Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, “Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays”( On the Aesthetic Education of Man, Letter 15).

Kazuhito Obara
Managing Director, Vice President, Associate Head of School

English version finalized in collaboration with
Paul McBride
Director, Center for English as a Lingua Franca (CELF)

