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史料は語る 16


小原國芳 筆蹟
木に刻字 玉川学園制作 時期不詳


1923(大正12)年9月1日、関東大震災発生。このとき小原國芳は牛込区の成城小学校主事であった。小原は児童生徒の安心安全な教育環境を求めて、小田急線開通前の北多摩郡砧の地に成城第二中学校を移転、成城玉川小学校併設に尽力した。成城玉川としたのは砧の地が玉川と呼ばれ、牛込の小学校と区別するためであった。その後牛込の小学校が砧に移転し成城小学校と改称した。1928 (昭和3)年4月のことであった。

白柳弘幸 学術研究所特別研究員

“The Origin of the School Name”

In the 1920s, Kuniyoshi was working hard at Seijogakuen to move its middle school (Seijo Daini Chugakko) to Kinuta, in the northern Tama area. He also strived for establishing an elementary school attached to the middle school. The elementary school was named Seijo Tamagawa Shogakko at first, in order to distinguish it from the existing Seijo Shogakko in Ushigome, but in 1928 when Seijo Shogakko was moved to Kinuta, Seijo Tamagawa Shogakko was integrated and the name was changed to Seijo Shogakko.
In the following year, Kuniyoshi started his own school in the southern Tama area.
Tama(多摩) was already used as a geographical name, but Kuniyoshi thought it would be easier to use 玉 instead. When he was considering his new school name, some suggested including his own family name in it, but Kuniyoshi strongly rejected the suggestion, preferring to avoid mixing business and personal affairs and therefore maintaining its neutrality and unsullied integrity.
After Tamagawagakuen became the school name, it also became its educational corporation name, a geographical name, and a station name. This is still quite uncommon in Japan.

Kazuhito Obara
Managing Director, Vice President, Associate Head of School

English version finalized in collaboration with
Paul McBride
Director, Center for English as a Lingua Franca (CELF)

