史料は語る 17
小原國芳 筆蹟
紙本墨書 色紙 昭和52年頃

志在萬里は「志萬里に在り」と読む。『三国志』で有名な曹操の詠んだ「老驥伏櫪 志在千里」がその本と思われる。駿馬は老いて厩につながれても、なお千里を走ることを思う。英雄、俊傑は老いてもなお志を高く持って英気が衰えず、きわめて遠大だという曹操自身の心境を述べたものである。
曹操の詩は「烈士暮年 壮心不已」と続いている。信念を貫く士は、老年になっても壮年の盛んな心は終わらないという意味だ。なんと! 小原の生き様そのものではないか。小原には千里では足りず萬里としたのだ。
白柳弘幸 学術研究所特別研究員
One Aims for the Far-off Future
In a Chinese poem written by Cao Cao, there is a verse,“An old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1,000 miles”.It is widely known that it reflects Cao Caoʼs state of mind:he believed that people who have exceptional talents, ability,and passion also maintain their vigorous energy and ambition for the future.
Kuniyoshi generously devoted his life and energy to the new education movement.In his last years,Kuniyoshi used to say that he would never become tired of pursuing his educational ideals and wanted to live longer to realize what he dreamed of.
Another verse in Cao Caoʼs poem is,“People with settled convictions and faith would never lose their vigor”.
Kuniyoshi identified himself with these words,but he wanted more,so instead of writing 1,000 miles he wrote 10,000 miles.
Kazuhito Obara
Managing Director, Vice President, Associate Head of School
English version finalized in collaboration with
Paul McBride
Director, Center for English as a Lingua Franca (CELF)