9/15(木)CELF FORUM 2016 開催のお知らせ
9月15日(木)、今年度開設したELF Study Hall 2015で、「CELF FORUM 2016」を開催します。
第4回目となるフォーラムでは、『ELFにおけるリーディング・ライティング』と題し、文学部英語教育学科准教授 工藤洋路先生、ノートルダム清心女子大学教授 Rob Waring先生の講演を行います。
2016年9月15日(木) 11:00~16:00
ELF Study Hall 2015

Dr. Rob Waring
The application of Extensive Reading in ELF contexts
(ELFにおけるExtensive Readingの活用)
The case for Extensive Reading is inescapable regardless of the language and purpose (e.g. EFL, ESL, ELF) as the underlying principles remain largely the same. When students are learning another language they need to build up their interlanguage systems so they can communicate in a somewhat rough-tuned manner which does not necessity have to meet native norms. To do this, massive input (either spoken or written) is needed for students to become familiar with how English is used in their own context and in others. As ELF learners will be meeting native norms it is imperative that they also are aware of them, not only the norms within which they expect to communicate. This means they should meet native materials as well as materials written by an ELF community. However, such materials are hard to find and mainstream publishers will not publish non-native materials requiring ELF programs to adopt different strategies when looking for comprehensible input.
Dr. Yoji Kudo
Approaches for teaching and assessment of English writing
Since an introduction of the testing of four skills of English to university entrance examinations has recently been discussed, there is a growing concern as to teaching and assessment of English writing. Through such a discussion, it has been found out that a number of teachers have difficulty in teaching writing and assessing students’ writings. In this session, I would like to discuss how we can solve such problems and present several ways to enhance students’ ability of writing in English.
- 日本語での発表