8/22(火)玉川大学英語教育セミナー「2017 CELF-ELTama Forum for English Language Teaching」開催のお知らせ
8月22日(火)、玉川大学の英語学修拠点であるELF Study Hall 2015校舎において、玉川大学英語教育セミナー「2017 CELF-ELTama Forum for English Language Teaching」を開催します。
2017年8月22日(火)10:00~16:00 *受付9:40~
ELF Study Hall 2015校舎

- 講演:「My transformation as an ELF practitioner: Insights from an Outer-Circle teacher」
Dr. Patrick NG(新潟県立大学教授)*In English
The spread of English as a Lingua Franca (henceforth ELF) has prompted local schools and institutions in various educational contexts to design high quality ELF curriculum to meet the needs of their students and the community. The curriculum design takes many forms with different goals, features and pedagogies. However, the way local teachers switched to an ELF-informed teaching paradigm in different teaching contexts remains largely unexplored. Sifakis, (2014) reminds us that although the pedagogical implications of ELF have been mentioned in the literature in English language teaching, there is still a need for a general framework for ELF teacher education that informs practitioners about ELF teaching matters. In this regard, the presenter, a Singaporean professor teaching English at a Japanese university, narrates his experiences in switching to an ELF-informed teaching paradigm. In his session, the presenter examines:
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How do local teachers in Japan understand and interpret the meaning of an ELF teaching pedagogy attitudinally and methodologically?
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In what ways does an ELF pedagogical paradigm influence their professional practice?
The presenter will explain his language learning experiences and the various factors that shaped his professional identity and development as an ELF practitioner. The presenter will also discuss how an ELF pedagogical paradigm influences his classroom instruction. In his narrative account, the presenter will engage with literature on ELF. After reflecting on the various challenges in creating a pedagogical space for ELF in his classroom instruction, the presenter concludes with some suggestions on “evolving a post-native, multilingual model for ELF-aware teacher education.” (Blair, 2015).
Blair, A. (2015). Evolving a post-native, multilingual model for ELF-aware teacher education. N Bayyurt, Y. & Akcan, S. (2015). Current perspectives on pedagogy for English as a lingua franca. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Sifakis, N. C. (2014). ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 3(2), 315-333.
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- 大学院生・ELFセンター研究発表 Graduate Student Presentations & CELF Research Reports (1)
- テーマ別分科会 CELF Research Reports (2), Colloquium & Concurrent Sessions
- ELFセンター報告 CELF Report
- 講演:「英語教育と英語音声学」
榎本 正嗣(玉川大学リベラルアーツ学部教授)*In Japanese
玉川大学英語教育研究会 ELTama事務局